Rudy gay injury status

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The injury forced Gay to skip an appearance at a youth basketball clinic Tuesday. Gay suffered the injury in a collision with Memphis’ Ivan Rabb in the second quarter. The Spurs are expected to update their injury report on Wednesday.

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The source said Gay probably would not miss any time.

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Meanwhile, forward Rudy Gay is day to day after suffering an injury to his left ear drum against the Grizzlies, a league source said. For the season, he is averaging 10.7 points, a team-best 8.4 rebounds and 3.4 assists.

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Pau Gasol finished Monday’s game with two points on 0-of-4 shooting, seven rebounds, four assists, steals and two blocks in 24 minutes. Gasol is believed to have hurt his shoulder in a collision with his younger brother, Memphis center Marc Gasol, in the second half.

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