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Why, it’s almost as if all of Lopez’s birthdays and Christmases have come at once and you just know from his sordid track record that it won’t be too long before he’s riding that mighty rod for all he’s worth.Ĭlearly wishing to prolong the experience, however, we get to enjoy the sight of Sky returning fellatio first but the plain fact of the matter by this stage is that Lopez is quite literally gagging to get his guts stretched to the max by his buddy’s monster. Indeed, it goes without saying that the handsome buddy has soon cast his cue aside so that he can give his diminutive mate his fullest attention dropping down to his knees and feverishly slurping on the thick, oversized knob inside Sky’s pants. Staxus says: With so much money stashed in the bank what else have Angel Lopez and David Sky got to do but while away their time by playing pool?Īfter all, it’s not as if they’ve got to go out to work for a living! Even so, there’s only so much on the beige that a young man can savor and it’s not too long before they’re looking for a little more excitement in the game.įor Sky that involves slowly getting undressed mid-game, a move that’s never going to fail to draw some kind of heated response from a lad like Lopez. Angel Lopez bounces up and down on David Sky’s huge twink dick!……

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